新冠肺炎北京市数据分析 —— 2月9日 Data Analysis of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Cases in Beijing - 9 Feb

太长不看版 (TL;DR)


  • 疫情持续由输入期向传播期过渡,目前绝大多数新增病例为已有病例的密切接触者;家庭成员之间的防护措施不可忽略
  • 目前有个别病例并无接触史,可能在市内公共场所被传染;理清这些病例的外出接触史十分重要
  • 输入性病例占比降低,各大企事业单位延长假期,城市间控制人员流动对疫情的防控有积极作用
  • 朝阳和海淀病例总数和新增病例较多,防控压力较大


The following patterns have been observed for new novel coronavirus cases in Beijing:

  • New cases in Beijing has become more likely to be infected in the city, rather than from other cities; Most of new cases are the close contacts of previously confirmed cases, meaning protection within families is also important
  • A few cases do not have any contact history, suggesting that they might have been infected in public places in Beijing; tracking these places down is crucial
  • Prolonging the holiday and placing travel control helped to lower the number of imported cases
  • Chaoyang and Haidian district are facing pressures due to a relatively large number of new cases and existing cases

Beijing government has started to publish places where the new cases were found. I have gathered the data and made a map. This will be updated daily. Hope you all stay safe and healthy!

更新介绍 (Introduction)


This is the second data analysis post of the novel coronavirus cases in Beijing. Beijing Municipal Health Commission had stopped publishing the details of individual cases (e.g. age, sex, time of the first symptoms, etc.). As such, I will not be updating the case analysis. This post will be focusing on the analysis of contact history, the number of cases in each district and the known places of novel coronavirus cases in Beijing.

接触史 (Contact History)



New cases in Beijing has become more likely to be infected in the city, rather than bringing in the virus from Hubei or other cities. Most of the new cases in 7 and 8 of February did not have travel history in other cities and they tend to be close contacts of the previously infected cases. However, there has been an increasing number of cases who have neither known contact nor travel history (blue bars in the chart). This suggests they may have been infected in public places in Beijing. Tracking down their activities is vital to prevent further outbreaks of the disease. The holiday season has come to the end. But there is no substantial increase of cases in people who have travel history (i.e. imported cases), suggesting that prolonging the holiday and placing travel control helped to contain the disease.

各城区情况 (Cases by District)



Chaoyang has surpassed Haidain in the number of confirmed cases. Both districts are facing a speedy increase in new cases. Due to the high population density and mobility, these two districts will continue to be the focus of the prevention and control of the disease. Xicheng, Daxing and Fengtai saw a rapid growth earlier this week but has slowed down since then. So did the number of non-resident cases. All other districts have less than 20 confirmed cases. Miyun, which previously had no case, saw 5 new cases this week. No confirmed case has been reported in Pinggu so far.

发病例活动小区或场所 (Known Places of the New Cases)


The map below is constructed using data from Beijing Center for Diseases Prevention and Control. They have been publishing known places of the new cases since 5 Feb. Data for the cases before the date is not available. Confirmed cases all have been hospitalised but necessary protection and caution is still required for residents nearby. I will be updating the map daily, please click here for the latest map.

Screenshot of the known places of 2019nCov cases

数据说明 (About the Data)

病例接触史及各区县疫情数据来自于北京市卫健委-新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情防控专栏的 疫情通报单元。已知病例曾经活动过的小区和场所来自北京市疾病预防控制中心的新型冠状病毒防控 疫情防控单元。两个数据源的数据主要是文字介绍和图片化的表格,经我录入整理后分析。整理好的数据我已经上传到 Github。我将会持续更新。欢迎下载使用( 知识共享许可协议)。地图可视化由百度地图提供,并感谢Lchiffon制作的 REmap R library

Data for contact history of the novel Coronavirus cases and number of cases in each districts was gathered from Beijing Municipal Health Commission. Known places of the cases were gathered from Beijing Center for Diseases Prevention and Control. The data is mainly in the form of text or image. I have manually (or with the help of scripts) collected them into databases, which I have published in this GitHub repo. Please feel free to use it under the Creative Common License. Special thanks to Lchiffon, the author of REmap, which utilises Baidu Map to make the visualisation possible.

Data Scientist

I enjoy messing with R and Python code, building data products and visualisation tools.
